Next Level Womxn


Enjoy Achieving Your Goals Faster – Cracking the Success Code.

Get the answers you need to grow your business with a day of solutions, tools, strategies, insights, feedback and time to think.

Build your network and meet like-minded business womxn from Melbourne.

Full-day workshop including lunch and refreshments.

BOOK NOW for February 2025


Enjoy Achieving Your Goals Faster

Workshop, Network, Lunch, and Evolve

THIS is what (really) goes into success that lasts a lifetime!

Cracking the Success Code

  • Get the answers you need to grow with a day of solutions, tools, strategies, and insights. Build your network and meet like-minded business womxn from Melbourne.
  • Step outside all of your to-do’s and look at what you need right now!! An opportunity for business owners and professionals to workshop their top pain point and access their full potential.
  • Next Level Womxn Reset​​ is designed to awaken each participant’s wise mind, where you can discover and access invaluable resources (primal wisdom), attributes and talents beyond your current imagination.

When you have the right insights, skills and plan right for you you are GUARANTEED SUCCESS!!

You were born with the same potential as the most significant leaders. It was your life experience that shaped you and has you where you are in life. Now you have a space to release that potential.


1. Identify what you need to work on

Assess where you are currently at and gain a deeper insight into what is right for you to do.

2. Create a plan

Tailor your optimisation plan for that big dream of yours so you can start immediately.

3. Choose your support level

Pick the ideal support. You can work in a group or one-to-one.

JOIN US for a full day to go to work on what matters to YOU!

  • 2023 could be the year you become wildly successful!
  • Or another year that you hope to be – left feeling overwhelmed and left behind!
  • The right strategy and mindset can save a decade of trial and error for anyone wanting to achieve their vision; their version of success and what matters to them!!

What are you doing to guarantee your future success?

NOW is the time to commit to results beyond what you currently see as possible, to redefine and map out your road to success.

With Next Level Womxn Reset you’ll get the insights, tools, strategies, activities and capabilities you need so that your 2023 is wildly successful.

Next Level Womxn Reset workshop rewires you on a fundamental level to that next level of thinking and knowing.

  • Every month you’ll do a deep-dive group training full-day workshop to guarantee that you have the right tools, strategies, insights, mentorship, accountability and elevated peer group to get to YOUR next level faster than ever before.
  • FAST TRACK pre-workshop live session in SHE Talks Facebook/Instagram/YouTube pages and ACCESS the online community.
  • Tell, show and do activities and coaching that create a rapid personal expansion that effectively moves you to more consistent action and go further faster within your personal and business life.
  • At the end of the day, you’ll have the right strategies for you, practical tools at the ready, clear notes to implement what is relevant to you, and a personalised success plan.
  • Post-workshop you will receive a small challenge to be completed within 24 hours that support you to follow through on the vision you’ve created.

Who is Next Level Womxn for?

Femxle leaders, Business owners, Coaches, Speakers, Start-ups, and Go-getters!

This is a full -day workshop for womxn who are serious about taking themselves to the next level. Those who are ready for more. Those who are passionate about taking themselves to the highest level.

It’s for entrepreneurs and coaches who have a new business idea or want to transform and fast-track their existing one/s.

It’s for womxn who want to redefine their future success. Those who need to refocus and realign their psychology. Those who propel in a group setting for personal development. Those who’d benefit from being surrounded by others who are rapidly moving forward.


What to expect?

Next Level Womxn Reset is customised to you the participant.

It’s not a lecture or training that loses its power after you leave.

It’s a fully immersive, interactive and action-packed day where you’ll dig deep under the surface to make an immediate change and create a personalised map of action and growth for your future based on that change.


What makes this workshop so powerful? 

With over 40 years of proven results, the insights, tools, strategies and activities shared with you will create a transformation that lasts a lifetime.

Groups are small and in just one day you’ll powerfully breakthrough what’s in your way and create the pathway to the success you desire no matter what.


Why SHE Talks®?

SHE Talks® workshops are expertly facilitated with the intention of getting you the answers and outcomes. Created and customised for womxn, delivered by a womxn. SHE Talks® attracts a variety of backgrounds with similar values.

Fur’s advice has assisted thousands of womxn through her platform SHE Talks.

Fur’s expertise is recognised by the likes of Geelong Women in Business, Vision Australia, Parici Women Connect, Ms Globe Australia, Business in Heels and Port Phillip Community Group.

SHE Talks is endorsed by:

* Facebook and Twitter Australian Anti-bullying Team ‘Project Rockit’

* #1 Hall of Fame Speaker Tim Gard

* Vision Australia Headquarters

* Port Phillip Community Group


Why Fur Wale?

As an entrepreneur with a focus on human behaviour who possesses a lived experience of what it takes to go from rock bottom to back on top and beyond, Fur Wale is an expert on what it really takes to be successful in life and business.

Fur is most passionate about inspiring, elevating and empowering womxn as entrepreneurs and speakers!


Why now?

Start creating a success map for 2023 NOW so that YOU get to choose how you experience the last month of the year, the following 12 months, years and decades – it’s a must!

Imagine what could be possible for you when you eliminate unresourceful behaviour, create your new identity into a reality and have a map for your success. What does that look like? How does this vision cause you to feel?

You have the opportunity right now to take action, one that will radically transform your life by enrolling yourself in Next Level Womxn.


How will you level up?

Personal growth is what opens the door to limitless possibilities. Business success is personal growth. Immerse yourself in this transformational event — November 27

It’s your time!



Where womxn in business thrive!



If you are unable to attend for any reason, we will hold your ticket and you can transfer to another suitable date.



“This workshop transformed my identity and my life; SHE Talks training made me successful – finally!” Alise Matthews Speaker and lifestyle coach

”Life is a practice, no matter who you are or what you’re skilled in, and this is where it happens! These workshops are truly powerful at taking you to your next level. Fur is a powerhouse and her content is robust and fresh which is why I keep coming back!” Meridith Spencer (Business coach)

“Wow! This is life-changing! I have changed my outlook/mindset thanks to this workshop and Fur’s magnificent energy and wisdom!” Amanda D. Management role

”Thank you for another fun, deep, empowering workshop. I love the environment + people you bring together. The exercises have been so powerful & I feel more open, aligned & powerful.” Too Human For Words Podcaster Sasha Kerdel

“I learned so so much that I didn’t know I didn’t know! This workshop is highly valuable” Rebecca Noris Life coach

“Fur you are magnetic & amazing, thank you so much for your energy & inspiration! You are changing so many women’s lives through empowerment it is awesome!” Sarah Sac Management role

”I just love SHE Talks workshops, the activities are so liberating and fun. I learn something new every time that I didn’t expect to! I always make such great connections too with the other women there” Jennifer Martin Business owner

“Fur: You have beautiful energy & know how to transmit it. Thank you for sharing your time to empower women and for all the goals I have set” Laura Coal (Works in an organisation)

“Great to re-ignite my spark.” Belinda Mengani Business owner

“Really engaging. Fur is very confident with her material/presentation” Betty Mother

“Sooogood! Invaluable! Fur is magic + mesmerising.” TingYu Speaker

“Thank you, Fur this was great. I loved the activities and I learned or re-learned more things!” Deborah Dickinson City of Port Phillip Council

“Fur is magnetic and she delivers powerful information that transforms you into the person you deep down hoped you could be. Since doing the SHE Talks The Confident Speaker workshops, I have gone on to speak confidently at organisation meetings and am now asked to deliver talks. I have continued with other SHE Talks workshops and every time Fur delivers them I am transported to a whole new level and a me that I never thought was possible! Don’t hesitate, if you want to be more confident, credible and fully expressed – just do it! I can’t thank Fur enough for where I am in my life now!” Melaine Robinson Vision Australia

“You will find Fur easy to follow and highly engaging. Fur delivers a wealth of knowledge that includes step-by-step distinctions, ready-to-use strategies and insider information that hasn’t been taught before. She is attentive to each individual’s needs in order that they receive a breakthrough in what is holding them back while ensuring the individual works on what matters to them. Fur is outcome orientated to guarantee you get the results you want. No fluffing about or filling in time because she is there to take you to your next level. You will leave empowered and prepared – not overwhelmed.” Head Multicultural Arts Advisor, Cathy Chorsley



YOUR GREATNESS is an accumulation of the consistent actions you take that move you in the right direction towards your desired future – a MUST to achieve the success you want!

IMAGINE consistently getting into alignment with what matters to your dream, uncovering the blocks, tapping into your deepest wisdom, fulfilling your needs, and reaching the level of success you’re dreaming of that expands into every area of your life.

IMAGINE getting to consistently evolve and implement your transformation into mapping out your success.


How much uncertainty would you prevent by knowing exactly what to do to achieve it?

How far would your life improve if you were immersed consistently in the right training that guaranteed results each time?


How gorgeous would your life be if you had the map to your success?

Imagine receiving high-level insights, tools, strategies and activities without the high-ticket price tag!


I absolutely GUARANTEE you the results you came for!!!!!!!!!

  • If you’d benefit from setting your rhythm for 2023 . . . getting re-energised and focused on your future, skills, mindset who you are becoming and immersing yourself in success strategies and structure that supports you for the year -?
  • If you are an achiever wanting to stretch yourself . . . through activities for proven behaviour change and mindset development to take you to the next level for you -?
  • If you want to get motivated to take action towards your dream and figure out what your NEXT FIRST STEP is -?
  • If you need to eradicate what holds you back . . . If you feel stuck with procrastination, overwhelm, doubt, worry, that inner critic, unconscious bias, blind spots, fear of failing or succeeding?​​
  • If you’d enjoy connecting with like-minded womxn . . . building powerful and supportive connections that last.
  • POST-WORKSHOP I continue to support participants with insights, inspiration, motivation and reminders in a brief weekly newsletter and inside the SHE Talks Facebook Group. Because I know how powerful these are in my own life and business, and the life and businesses of my clients to keep on track and not allow anything to get in the way!!
  • Everyone walks away with a new tool kit and receives ongoing support.
  • I am personally inviting you . . . to this SHE Talks® 2023 workshop event that will get you well and truly energised and prepared for your year of successes, and it will be lots of fun, I PROMISE 🙂


DOORS OPEN 10:30am

Arrive and grab a cuppa and a chocolate chip cookie 🙂






Bring a Journal + Pen and/or a Laptop.


Dress up in your Sunday best or be casual.

Either way, you will be able to do the activities.

What is required of you:

Simply don’t have covid.

Arrive with the mind of a learner 🙂


Vegetarin Bahn Mi

Held outdoors, weather permitting – seated on the grass or a bench.




How long is each activity and training?

The activities are fun 10-minute physical practices.

Each training runs for 20 minutes of focus and writing in your journal.


Is the online training as effective?

You will get just as much out of the workshop when you are present, energetic and give your all. Because you won’t physically be in the workshop, your engagement will be from mental participation (imagine you’re in the activity and notice how you feel, and what thoughts come up


This is a workshop for womxn who want to build on and celebrate their true selves, focus on what matters to them and stay motivated in 2023!

This is a dedicated day to mould your desired future into a reality!!



Can you relate?

Having a vision of your desired future is exciting.

Only, when you’re not putting it into action, it can feel like it might never happen.

Especially with all of the other things we need to do, we can end up juggling lots of goals and slowly feel overwhelmed and frustrated 🙁

We all know what it’s like to run out of time to work on our big dreams or have procrastination slow us down.

7 years ago I struggled with procrastination, 3 years ago I began managing it – NOW, I masterfully direct my thinking process and behaviour, knowing myself as someone who keeps her word and simply does what I say I’m going to get done!

This is so rewarding!!

In fact, it is freedom!!

One of my all-time fave ways to work on my desired future is in a group setting because I get more focused and clear than ever, I get to access the wisdom of someone who’s where I want to be, and get loads more done!

Group training creates greater transformation as well as causes us to feel accountable.

There’s a ton of empirical evidence on individuals that have participated in group training, and it has been proven to be 50% more effective than working on our stuff by ourselves.

This is why I run this workshop called AWAKEN POTENTIAL New Year Next Level Woman every year. So that we get to be in a group setting, to take the time to connect with the right success mindset and strategies that are right for us to achieve our success, and truly feel into rhythm for our year ahead.

The participant’s feedback is remarkable. The ongoing results are impressive.

That is also due to the post-workshop support. Providing relevant insights, inspiration, motivation and reminders in a brief weekly newsletter. Plus, the support inside the SHE Talks Facebook group.

No matter which profession we are in; as a coach, business owner, or speaker, or not, or whatever age we are, we all benefit from getting focused and creating the structure for our desired future to become a reality!!

This workshop is jam-packed full of ‘Gold’, and it is just the beginning of what I deliver through my SHE Talks® platform for women to create that unshakeable foundation to their success in what matters to them!!

If you had one wish that you knew would come true, what would your life, business, or speaking journey look like?

Where do you need the most support?

What can I do today to assist you?



The letter X on woman/women avoids the sexism suggested by the gendered word ‘man’ and offers greater inclusivity and fluidity to genders beyond the male/female binary, such as for trans women or others who identify as women. Womxn is pronounced the same as woman or women.



Cancellation Policy

Tickets are non-refundable due to the cost of a professional venue, catered lunch, and staffing.

Tickets will be transferred to the next date on the provision of a medical certificate within 5 days.

Cancellation7 days prior to the event will be transferred to the next date.

Cancellations incur a transfer fee.



”The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Philosopher SOCRATES

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